I’m Selling My House. Is repainting necessary?

I’m Selling My House. Is repainting necessary?

Putting a house on the market can be a daunting task that requires a lot of work. If your home is weathered or outdated looking, you may be considering repainting. A new look doesn’t have to include a lot of big, sweeping changes. A simple coat of paint can give an older home new life, increasing its appeal and value. Knowing whether or not to repaint, whether on the interior or exterior, can make all the difference in your sale.

Exterior painting:

The exterior of a property is the first thing a potential buyer will see. An attractive appearance is vitally important to gaining a buyer’s interest. Many will overlook a home that seems to be in disrepair or is fading. If offers are made, they’ll be lower than expected. Simply repainting the exterior of your home can increase the curb appeal, and consequently, the price someone is willing to pay. If you’re thinking of taking this step, it’s a good idea to choose neutral colours, as they are more marketable to a larger population. If you love bold or dark colours, consider using one for the trim. A little bit of colour can make a house stand out among the neighbours, without being overwhelming.

Interior Painting:

Once you’ve gained the attention of potential buyers with an updated and appealing exterior, you’ll want to be sure the inside is equally attractive. Old wallpaper, outdated colours, and peeling paint will be a quick turn off, or will create concern that there are other areas of disrepair. Using light or neutral colours to repaint the interior can brighten up dark rooms, make small spaces appear larger, and will help your home become more likely to draw in the everyday buyer. Someone looking for a house will want to envision their style in the home, and neutral colours make that easier.

Essentially, giving your house an updated look with a fresh paint job, whether inside or out, can be a beneficial investment. Letting potential buyers know that you’ve maintained the property will increase its marketability and your return on investment.

If you’re ready to get the most out of your home, contact King Painting. We’ll provide a free quote at no obligation.


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