Maintaining Your Strata Community

Maintaining Your Strata Community

Applying a fresh coat of paint enhances the value of a property and improve its curb appeal. Poor upkeep, such as flaking paint, rotting wood, and rusted wrought iron, is a major turnoff. A prospective buyer will consider whether they would like to live in an home and community where they are not responsible for the maintenance of the outdoor space such as a Strata Community.

It can be a daunting process to find a prompt and professional residential painter in Sydney to ensure upkeep, and if you want to go with a true expert then look no further than King Painting. They will take all the necessary steps to provide high quality residential painting job.

Do You Save Money By Delaying Painting Jobs?

You do not save money by delaying residential painting and maintenance jobs. In fact, you may end up spending more money in the long run if you wait too long to repaint your home. Paint protects your home from the elements and keeps it looking fresh and new. If you wait too long to paint, your home will start to show signs of wear and tear, which will require more work (and money) to fix. The extra labour costs to repair damage caused by delaying a paint job will likely outweigh any money you saved by not painting in the first place. Waiting a few more years of wet winters and scorching summers will not save money, but rather spend more.

Frequently, exposed surfaces are irreparable and must be replaced. Due to the extra time and resources required to repair or replace wrought iron or wood damaged by dry rot or rust, the ultimate price of your project might increase by up to 50 percent.

Pro Tips On Low-Cost Strata Maintenance

1. Making sure the Homeowner Association has a good working relationship with the council

One of the most important things Strata can do to ensure the maintenance of its common areas is to develop and maintain a good working relationship with the council in which it is located. This relationship can help management in many ways, including obtaining permits for work that needs to be done, getting information about code enforcement issues, and even having a say in development projects that could impact the community.

In addition, having a good relationship with the council can help when it comes to negotiating contracts for services like trash pickup or street cleaning. Having someone in the know on your side can often help get better terms and rates.

Ultimately, developing and maintaining a good working relationship with the council in your local area is essential to keeping things running smoothly.

2. Having a well-run Strata with efficient management

A Strata Company that is well-run and has efficient management can help with maintenance in several ways. First, the Strata will have better records of what needs to be done and when, so they can plan accordingly and make sure that common areas are kept in good repair. Second, they will be able to respond quickly to any problems that arise, so residents don’t have to wait for things to get fixed. Finally, an effective Strata Management Company will be proactive about maintaining common areas, so residents can enjoy their community without worry.

3. Offering amenities that add value without breaking the budget

The key to offering amenities that add value without breaking the budget is to offer items that will be used often and enjoyed by many, but don’t cost a lot to maintain. For example, rather than adding a tennis court or swimming pool, which require constant upkeep, you could install a few picnic tables and BBQs.

Another way to add value without breaking the bank is to offer discounts on services that your residents are already using. For instance, you could partner with a local gym or spa and offer your residents a discounted membership rate. This not only adds value for your residents, but it also helps promote healthy living – something we can all get behind!

4. Making sure the Strata Company has a good insurance policy in place for your property

If your Strata is looking to save money on maintenance, one way to do so is by making sure you have a good insurance policy in place. This will protect your building from having to pay for any damages that occur because of accidents or natural disasters. In addition, it will also help to cover the costs of repairs if something does happen to go wrong. By having a good insurance policy in place, the residents can avoid paying out-of-pocket for any unexpected expenses.

5. Having a good sinking fund to cover unexpected repairs or expenses

Strata must have money set aside in a reserve fund to cover unexpected repairs or expenses. Having a good sinking fund can help alleviate some of the burden on homeowners when it comes to paying for necessary maintenance and repairs. It can also help reduce special assessments, which are additional fees that all homeowners in an Strata must pay when there are unplanned expenses. If your Strata does not have a good sinking fund, it may be difficult to keep up with necessary repairs and maintenance, which could eventually lead to declining property values.

6. Encouraging home ownership and involvement in the Strata Committee

Encouraging home ownership and involvement in the Strata can help keep properties well-maintained and improve overall morale within the community. Homeowners who are involved in their Strata Committee are more likely to upkeep their own homes, which benefits everyone in the community.

A Strata that is run by engaged homeowners is also more likely to be financially stable. This stability can help cover unexpected repairs or maintenance issues that arise. So not only does encouraging home ownership and involvement in the Strata save you time and money, but it also helps protect your investment as well.


In conclusion, delaying a residential painting job in your community can have serious consequences. The paint may start to peel, the flooring may deteriorate, and the appearance of the overall community may decrease. Therefore, you need to hire experts for the job like King Painting Sydney.

It’s important to get your work done as soon as possible to maintain the appearance of your community and to keep residents happy and maintain the value.