The Most Common Commercial Epoxy Flooring Problems

The Most Common Commercial Epoxy Flooring Problems

One of the best flooring options you can find in the Australian and Sydney market is epoxy. This option is famous for its durability and the low number of maintenances they require.

It must be remembered that you may encounter some problems if the person that you hire to apply the epoxy flooring fail to carry his or her job correctly. In doing so, you won’t be able to enjoy the protection and durability that this type of flooring offers for the users.

You must also remember that it will be hard for you to remove the epoxy once you install them, and therefore, you must hire someone who knows what he or she is doing. You don’t want to end up with an unattractive floor that is hard to make right later.

For this reason, I will give you some of the problems that you may encounter after getting the epoxy applied on your floor. I will also introduce some ways to prevent such problems.

1)    Is your floor peeling? Let me tell you why!

floor peeling

You must remember that this even can happen due to a couple of common reasons such as follows:

  1. Epoxy hasn’t applied properly on your floor.
  2. Epoxy was applied at a non-suitable temperature, e.g., too hot or too cold.
  3. Epoxy flooring was done without considering the amount of humidity.

In addition to the above environment-related factors, human error can also have an effect on how the final result will look like.

For example, the proper preparation of the concrete flooring is one of the important jobs of the person you hire. If he or she forgot to clean or remove any debris and oil from the floor, this can result in generating round holes on the floor. So, be cautious who you are hiring to get the job done.

The good thing is that you can always trust the KING PAINTING company and its professionals. If you ever need to apply epoxy floor coating, give us a call and we will help you wherever you might be in Australia and Sydney.

2)    Moisture and Signs of Bubble Buildup on Your Floor

This event mostly happens when there is a temperature difference between the material used in the epoxy and substrate floor. You must always remember that the floor is completely dry before doing anything further. If you are hiring a professional, they will know that waiting at least 24h will be highly recommended.

As mentioned, these problems must be taken care of in the first days before turning into a big problem that cannot be fixed so easily after the job is finished.


3)    Can you spot the color inconsistency on several places of the floor?

Most people and especially those who move to their house recently, wants everything to be perfect, even the colors which is one of the important factors to bring joy to the house.

It is important to mention that oil and grease are among the materials that can have negative effects on the color of the floor making the floor have varied colors in different spots.

It is also important to note that ultraviolet light is one of the factors that can also change the color of the epoxy, making it look off. So, if you are allowing the floor to stay under the sun, you will observe color variation between the spots that were exposed and not exposed to the sunlight.

epoxy flooring


How to avoid the above problems?

Don’t take epoxy floor coatings as an easy job. Sure, it may seem easy but if you don’t know the important tricks, you will face issues that solving will require much more effort and costs than its proper installations.

You must be able to tell which environmental conditions are right for applying the epoxy. You must also have experience in preparing the concrete in a proper way.

Do you want to avoid these problems in the first place? Hire a professional to do this job for you and stop doing things by yourself especially epoxy flooring. Sure, you will be able to save money if you do it by yourself but problems will not appear in the short run and they will gradually as time passes, creating more costs than ever.

In other words, stop thinking about your pocket now because you won’t know what will happen in the future and leave the job to someone who knows his way around epoxy coating.

applying epoxy coating

Is it possible to get rid of the scratches on the epoxy?

If you don’t know, there is a good reason for apply epoxy coating and that is due to being highly durable. Studies have shown that this type of coating will be able to last longer, more than any type of coating you can find in the market.

Although the epoxy is resistant to scratch due to the exclusive ingredient used in making the epoxy, it can still be vulnerable to scratches. However, it will be still highly durable meaning that you won’t need to change it if it is applied on your floor properly.

In case you notice that the epoxy coating has scratches on several spots, you can use the polish on any light scratches you can see on the coating. Always remember to do small circles around the scratch so you can distribute the polish uniformly across the scratches. Also, slowly wear away the surface using the polish and do these two tasks until you see that there are no scratches left on the floor.

Now, do you want your epoxy coating to shine? You must always remember that cleaning the surface of epoxy coating will be required one time every year and this way you will make sure that your floor will shine like always.


To do this task, you will be required to prepare hot water and then, a squeegee in order to dry the surface. This way you will make sure that any dirt or residue on your floor will be gone and you can enjoy your shiny and clean floor.