Removing Paint Fumes Using Different Items

Removing Paint Fumes Using Different Items

There are many benefits to painting the interior of your home. A new look, fresh and clean, can be inviting to all who enter. Unfortunately, however, that welcoming feeling can be marred by the lingering odour of paint. Many paints leave fumes for several days, particularly those that are oil-based.

Even when a space is well-ventilated, these fumes can be frustrating, and dissipating them can seem impossible in a closed-in environment. Here are a few helpful tips for removing the residual smalls using items you already have around, saving you the hassle and frustration of professional cleaners.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is perhaps the most well-known odour neutraliser in a home. It is often used in refrigerators to absorb old food aromas, or in musty cupboards to soak the smells of damp and dust. Baking soda is equally capable of absorbing the strong odor of paints, and can be used in several different ways to this end.

First, a nearly effortless method: Simply fill a few shallow bowls or saucers with baking soda and place them around the affected area. Leave them in place overnight to allow plenty of time for odor absorption. You should notice a difference the next day, and the used soda can be easily discarded.

Another way baking soda is effective is when used in carpeted rooms. It can be sprinkled over the entire surface of the carpet and left overnight. During this time it will absorb odours that have become trapped in the carpet fibers. The next morning, simply vacuum it up.

Finally, baking soda can be a useful tool in absorbing paint fumes when mixed with water. Fill some bowls with a few inches of water each. Pour about a ½ cup of baking soda into each bowl and then stir to dissolve the substance. This will leave a milky liquid that will absorb odours well.

Place the bowls around the room to soak up the paint fumes and remove after 24 hours. Water Water can be an effective method of absorbing fresh paint fumes, and especially when combined with other odour-absorbing liquids. For usage of water alone, just fill a bucket and
leave it in the centre of the newly painted room overnight. The hydrogen in water molecules bonds with odour-causing molecules, destroying the fumes.

You may also want to consider using water with lemon, a well-known odour neutraliser. Fill shallow bowls with water, and add several lemon slices to each one. Place them around the room affected by the fumes and leave them until the next day. You should notice a light lemony
scent in place of the harsh fumes.

Another odour destroyer is vinegar. It can be used alone as a powerful neutraliser, but it comes with a strong aroma of its own. If you prefer a milder option, distilled white vinegar may be mixed with water in equal parts and set in bowls around the affected area.

Although candles are sometimes thought just to be decorative or to provide perfumed aromas, they can be a tool in absorbing paint fumes. Burning candles do absorb odours some, as odour molecules bond with oxygen, and flames destroy oxygen molecules. Certain candles are
designed for this purpose, and may be available for purchase in stores near the household cleaners or air fresheners.

If you’re unable to access these special odour-eliminating candles, ordinary candles will do just fine. Light them and leave them to burn for several hours. Be sure to extinguish any flames before leaving the area, and make sure the hot candles are placed in safe locations where the
heat will not damage your belongings or create a fire hazard.

This one may seem a bit unusual. Onions are known for their own strong aroma, but they are equally strong odor absorbers. If possible, prepare the onions prior to painting a room, and add them during the process to absorb fumes as they are created. To do this, peel a couple of medium-sized onions and cut them in half, across the rings. Place each half in a bowl or on a saucer, with the cut side up. Each bowl should be placed at an end or in a corner of the room being painted. Leave them for the duration of the work. If you’re unable to place them until the job is completed, they’ll still be effective. Simply allow them to absorb the fumes for several hours after the work is done. Be sure to discard the onions into the trash when this is done, as they will have absorbed harmful paint chemicals and will be dangerous to one’s health, and inedible.

Ultimately, it’s best practice to provide as much ventilation as possible in a painting area, by opening windows or using fans to draw fumes away from the room. Try not to cover up or mask the fumes, but to eliminate them and the chemicals that they carry.

Finally, consider hiring a professional painter if you’re concerned about a safe and clean work environment. Our trained experts provide the highest level of service at all stages of the job, leaving you to enjoy the results without stress. Our work is guaranteed, and the first estimate is free. Give us a call today for more information.


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