Keep Your Deck Looking Great!

Keep Your Deck Looking Great!

Many of our customers have wooden decks. Your deck needs maintenance from time to time too. The Autumn is the perfect time. There are some simple things you can do…

First, if your deck boards are showing a green tinge to them, it’s just a bit of mold or mildew and can easily be cleaned off. Most folks use a pressure sprayer to get the deck boards clean and new-looking. Be careful though – if you have the wrong nozzle or too much pressure and you can blast away slivers of wood, leaving your deck a splintery mess. Use a wide nozzle and just enough pressure to clean the boards without disrupting the integrity of the wood.

Second, you’ll want a good sealer. There are many brands and types, just call our shop and we’ll recommend one that best meets your needs. Of course, we’ll be happy to give you an estimate to seal, stain or paint your deck too!

As far as timing, you’ll want to do this before the weather gets too cold. And depending on the weather extremities, you can clean and seal more or less. Usually, every other year is enough to maintain your deck through its normal life expectancy.

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